
  • H-net Discussion Networks
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 17. 17:14

    This site will look much better in a browser that supports. ' The discussions are of most value to me. It's a great way to see scholars collaborating with one another and seeking answers to questions from around the world. '. ' Anyone who subscribes to a wide variety of listservs and blog feeds (like me!) can appreciate the edited nature of H-Net discussion networks-it's not a firehose of comments and spam, but a well-regulated stream of good content, connecting scholars all over the world.

    Nov 18, 2016 - Welcome to the Guidelines International Network. For all of the working groups and regional communities along with their discussion boards.

    '. ' The generosity of this community of scholars constantly overwhelms me. When I insisted on acknowledging H-Albion in a book I published in 2004, my editors was bemused; now I see such acknowledgments more and more frequently in colleagues' books. '.

    ' H-War is very informative. I really appreciate the work that the editors put in, so that a lively but professional discussion can take place. '.

    Newf Net Discussion Forum


    ' The discussion network 'Middle East Medieval' is a great forum for sharing rare expertise, for exchanging information on current research in the field, and for putting scholars in touch who would otherwise not have met. '. ' I consistently find that H-Turk is an informative and enlightening venue for scholarly interface. It helps to create and sustain a supportive and helpful community working in Ottoman and Turkish studies. '. ' The discussions on oral history are valuable to our members, who are at every level - beginning to university professors.

    '. ' The History Day blog has been very helpful. Being able to interact with History Day teachers from across the United States has answered many questions for our students and parents as well as given us some new ideas for our San Diego History Day. '.

    ' H-Net plays a huge role in the flow of scholarship; I cannot imagine African studies without it. '. ' H-Education and H-Childhood reviews are insightful and enormously helpful. I use them to keep up and forward them to my students. Belonging to these two networks allows me to feel continually connected to a community of colleagues who share my interests.

    Questions raised online are interesting barometers of new scholarship; the variety of listings for conferences is amazing. I am deeply appreciative of the effort and time Penny Richards, Kristen Nawrotzki, and others invest in keeping our fields electronically close.

    Writers Net Discussion Forum

    ' Most of H-Net's networks have moved to the. List Name Description.

    Books.google.co.th - Today's history scholars and students utilize information in many different formats, including print, microforms, and digital, with each having its own format-specific requirements. For historians, the library is an essential resource that serves as their 'laboratory.' Librarians need to recognize the.

    Librarians, Historians, and New Opportunities for Discourse: A Guide for Clio's Helpers.

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